Tourism Western Australia

In January 2022, Tourism Hub has been appointed as the PR tourism agency for Tourism Western Australia in Italy.
Western Australia
Western Australia is the widest Australian State located, as its name suggests, on the Western side of the country. Rich in natural beauties, otherworldly landscapes and aboriginal history which dates back 60.000 years, Western Australia has so much to offer to travellers who want to enjoy a unique adventure, from stunning trekking and mountain bike trails in the lush vegetation and renowned vineyards of the South West region, to the unbelievable wild landscapes of the North West, with its ancient national parks and red sands embracing a magical coast line, up to the beautiful Coral Coast with its unique marine life, including the largest fringing reef in the world, to the Golden Outback, where to enjoy a jump back into history with its Gold Rush lovely villages, its popular pink lake Lake Hillier and the whitest Australian beach of Lucky Bay. Last but not least, Perth, the capital city, represents Western Australia’s gateway from Continental Europe thanks to Qantas seasonal direct flight which started operations from Rome in June 2022.
Tourism Hub for Tourism Western Australia: PR activities in Italy
Our team started working on the implementation of a communication plan of activities in occasion of the launch of Qantas’ new seasonal direct flight from Rome to Perth scheduled over June – October 2022. The primary objective was to raise awareness about the destination and promote it as the premier gateway for accessing the country, now more reachable than ever.
The communication activities in the market have included the implementation of an out of home and digital campaign, the organization of a series of events in Rome for the official celebrations of the flight’s launch and a dedicated group press trip to Western Australia, allowing tier-1 media to experience the wonders of Western Australia firsthand, aiming to provide further coverage on the State’s natural beauty.
These communication initiatives have extended beyond the timeframe of the direct flight launch. The goal now is to continue inspiring Italian travelers with captivating storytelling and media exposure across traditional and digital platforms.
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