Spring Special Offer Campaign - TVA

PR & Media
Project period

Target Audience

Final consumers

The brief

Promote the spring special offer for Il Trenino Verde delle Alpi day ticket active in March-May 2023, valid for trips in May.

The project

In response to the brief received from BLS regarding the promotion of a special offer for the TVA day valid ticket for trips in May, we set up a comprehensive plan, including a series of digital media and PR activities, to increase awareness of Il Trenino Verde delle Alpi, stimulate interest in the product, and boost conversions.

1. Digital Campaigns

We launched a first digital awareness campaign, featuring various post and story formats on the social media channels of National Geographic, Repubblica Milano, and Repubblica Torino, and display ad banners on the websites of the last two. Simultaneously, we set up a digital conversion campaign with a variety of banner formats distributed on different targeted editorial websites such as Siviaggia, La Repubblica, Dove, and Al Femminile, aiming to increase conversions to the BLS landing page. Both campaigns performed exceptionally well, exceeding the initial KPIs set. The first reached more than 953,092 users interested in train travel to discover Switzerland, while the second delivered 51,255 clicks on the landing page, with a buying efficiency of 513%. 

2. Press Trips

Our PR team managed to organize a group press trip in March with selected media outlets in the Italian landscape, such as Askanews, TG2 Sì Viaggiare, La Stampa, Repubblica, and Il Giornale, followed by an individual press trip with Radio Montecarlo in April. The goal was to showcase the natural and cultural offerings of the areas covered by Il Trenino Verde delle Alpi, to inspire future travelers to book their next journey in Switzerland. The press trips resulted in a total of 32 coverage items, including articles, TV, and broadcasts.

3. Influencer Trip

To further engage with social media users, especially the family target audience, we invited the content creators @miprendoemiportovia (209k followers on Instagram) to travel aboard Il Trenino Verde delle Alpi and share the entire travel experience on their social media channels. They inspired the community with their content and promoted the special offer on the TVA day ticket for May. The initiative produced a total of 38 Instagram stories, 1 Instagram reel, 1 TikTok video, and 3 Facebook carousel posts, generating a significant amount of interest within the community, as seen in the comments.

Total reach
Total clicks
Total EAV