Media event - Chef Lorenzo Cogo onboard La Compagnie

On August 2nd Michelin-starred chef Lorenzo Cogo surprised La Compagnie passengers flying from Milan to New York by presenting his special plate "zucchini with baccalà mantecato and pistachio mayonnaise" on board. The dish prepared for La Compagnie, and served during July and August on five weekly flights is a traditional Venetian dish revisited with a contemporary twist and served with Pinot Bianco selected by sommelier Stefano Grandis.
Our team secured four media representatives from highly reputable editors La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 ore, Food&Wine Italia and Mediaset who were invited on board to experience the new dish signed and in this special occasion even served by Cogo along with the exclusive services offered by the French airline. Media and passengers also had the chance to know more about the Baccalà with Lorenzo’s documentary “A fish out of water”, which is featured on the inflight entertainment system.
The event with Lorenzo Cogo on board was the highlight of the brand collaboration, after the announcement during the launch event of the airline in February 2022 and a media tasting event at the airport in June.
"Traveling is one of my biggest passion, I especially love New York, a city that I always find inspiring" commented the Italian star chef "With La Compagnie there was immediately a perfect understanding thanks to the shared values in offering exclusive service to their guests".
La Compagnie, recently reconfirmed as one of the 10 top airlines by Travel + Leisure Co. Best Awards 2022, stands out not only for the quality of its service but also for its creativity in holding signature events onboard - and we're glad to support our clients bringing to life new collaborations, like this fun and cool one! Affinity marketing is the key to successful brand partnerships.
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